Spontaneity, Unfolding and a Journey

That's me and my beloved birds unfolding as I got to go on a personal journey within back in October. I had the opportunity to paint with Stewart Cubley from The Painting Experience in Philly. If you haven't checked him out already, please do! He offers weekend and week long workshops using process painting all throughout the U.S. It's a complete immersion into your creative experience.

It's a little tricky to understand at first but the truth is we're not making pretty paintings here. We're not even focusing on the end product...at all. Instead we're deep diving into your process, creating a sacred space for your painting to unfold, in its fullest form (without holding back). We are creating space for you to go on a journey within, explore your needs, wants, likes, dislikes and respond to them with a BIG YES instead of disregarding them. We are led by spontaneity, surprises, not knowing, sometimes bliss and other times difficulty. Each time we come up to an emotion we are encouraged in the most gentle of ways to keep going, to paint through it since we know oneness comes from the willingness to risk. We play with judgement and resistance with some paint and paper in a way that many women say they have never had space for before. We know each painting is a journey that holds a precious gift for us to uncover if we are simply willing to explore it!


So Grateful
