Working Through the Muck

I'm hearing a theme emerge in the studio and it sounds something like this...

  • I want to be done with this healing thing so I can move on. How long will it take?

  • I'm exhausted by my emotions. Can I bypass some of the really hard ones?

  • I just want to feel more confident. Can you give it to me?

Your healing JOURNEY is not meant to be a quick, linear, neat and tidy package. It ebbs and flows, moves up and down, forward and back and pushes and pulls.


Your journey is asking you to embrace the mess, embrace the unknown, take the risk, do the work and feel the feels. It wants you to make it part of your vital, juicy, inner life experience. It NEEDS to be in relationship with you.

George Mumford is a mindfulness expert. He uses the 4 A's as a helpful tool when working through the muck. It's a manageable, gentle guide and I wanted to share:

  • Awareness - Bring awareness to the difficult emotion you are feeling. Where is it being held in your body? When does it come up for you? When is it quiet? BE with this. In the creative process we refer to this as LISTENING.

  • Acceptance - Noticing what IS...right now. Not 1 week, 1 month or 1 year from now. Focus on what you can control in this moment and let go of what you cannot. What is based on fact or assumption? In the creative process we are encouraged to RESPECT (not disregard) what is true for us in this moment.

  • Action - Bring compassionate action towards yourself. What do you need? How are you going to move this energy? Do you need a softer inner dialogue, time to reflect, a person to share your story with, journaling, time to build a new relationship with your more challenging emotions? In the creative process we refer to this as FOLLOWING THE ENERGY.

  • Assessment - Take time to reflect on the event. What worked well for you. What didn't work well for you? Keep what worked and let go of the rest. REPEAT. REPEAT. REPEAT.

Bring some love to yourself because every little step, every small success adds up to a larger shift and YOU ARE WORTH IT!

I'd love to hear about your muck. What is working? What are you choosing to leave behind? How are you moving your energy?

Women’s Groups

Art Therapist Women’s Groups


I Want To Share This With You


I Need To Tell You Something