Dear Hello Beautiful, Creative Soul,

By the time you find yourself standing here… facing this blank surface, with paint colors picked and brushes in hand, so many things have already transpired.

Your friend might have shared this process with you and insisted you needed to try it. Or maybe you saw a post about it, something piqued your interest and there was a nagging, nudge to learn more.

We connected on the phone where you shared you lost your creative spark, you were never creative in the first place, creativity wasn’t valued, messy wasn’t allowed, or all of the above.

You shared how you missed this piece of yourself and you felt called and ready to move towards it. I shared the process with you and you told me I just gave language to feelings you were having for so long but couldn’t put words to. CONNECTION.

All painters were prepped. “This is a sacred process, a conversation between you and the source from which your creativity comes from. We do not comment on your work because our comments interrupt your process and change the way in which you internally experience your expression. We paint in quiet, so you can turn towards your internal sense of self and finally listen to what she has to share with you. You pause, you slow down and over time you begin to trust and respect her. She begins to guide you again.” SAFETY.

You are reminded that the meaning is found in the actual moment to moment doing of this process, instead of the final product. There is no expectation for any sort of outcome. FREEDOM.

And then you face the blank canvas and you begin to FEEL… excitement, bliss, anxiety, fear, curiosity, unfolding, discovery, pause, mystery. POSSIBILITY

You decide to take the leap and make your first mark. The process carries you into another dimension filled with familiarity (of self) and mystery (of newness). You are ALIVE, present and in your body. You begin to come back home.

This is the INVITATION. To come back home to (your)self over and over and over again.


Wild and Free Painting 💕

P.S. Will you join us?

P.P.S Our next series begins the week of 10/252021

Women's Group

Group for Art Therapists

Paint From Home


Last Process Painting Groups in 2021!


I Want To Share This With You