Painting as a Journey for Self-Discovery

The studio is filled with yummy, luscious paints, big, chunky paint brushes and light, fluffy ones too, painting tools and painter's lights....but what if I told you we weren't painting paintings? I know, that's COMPLETELY ridiculous. But what if instead, your painting was looked at as a visual journal, a journey of self-discovery, a metaphor for your life.

From this perspective your painting can help us see:

Where we stop.

Where we say no.

Where we hold back.

Where we censor.

Where we celebrate.

Where we find comfort.

Where we find discomfort.

Where we say YES.

Where we disregard...

The process asks us to get out of our own way so we can move into these moments one-by-one. Inhabit them, stand in them, get to know them a bit better so we can ultimately reconnect to these pieces of ourselves and feel more whole..just as we are.

We paint every week. It's dreamy. Join us! Click here and fill out the interest form to schedule a call.


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