Do You Have Creativity Scars?

A beautiful, soulful, creative shared the idea of creativity scars with me and I knew I needed to share it with you...only because almost every single woman who paints with us has shared her art scar with me. And believe it or not, Brene Brown coined a term for this.

Can you relate? I know I can.

In Elizabeth Gilbert's Magic Lessons Podcast with Brene Brown she shares:

“I used to believe, before I did the research for  The Gifts of Imperfection … that there were creative people and there were non-creative people. And now I absolutely understand personally (and professionally from the data) that there are no such thing as non-creative people. There are just people who use their creativity and people who don’t. And unused creativity is not benign.

For the people who really struggle because they don’t think of themselves as creative, there’s a lot of shame around creativity. People don’t think of themselves as creative, they think creativity is self indulgent. They don’t think it is productive enough. They don’t understand what it means. It was shut down in them as children. For those folks, when I say “unused creativity is not benign”, what I really mean is it metastasizes into resentment, grief, heartbreak. People sit on that creativity or they deny it and it festers.

When I started the research on shame, 13 years ago, I found that 85% of the men and women who I interviewed remembered an event in school that was so shaming, it changed how they thought of themselves for the rest of their lives. And fifty percent of that 85% percent, half of those people: those shame wounds were around creativity. So fifty percent of those people have art scars. They have creativity scars."

We paint every Wednesday 10-12pm and every Thursday 6-8pm to heal our creativity scars and take back control of our stories.

It's dreamy. Join us! Click here and fill out the interest form to schedule a call.


Hold a Creative Space - Online


Painting as a Journey for Self-Discovery